Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc.
"Not for Ourselves but for All in Diversity."
According to statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigations’ 2005 Uniform Crime Reporting Program, more than 1,173 hate crimes were committed with the basis of sexual orientation. Hate crimes that occur as a result of an individual’s sexual orientation are the third leading reason for crimes against an individual, and account for 14% of all reported hate crimes. Some experts believe that this statistic may be significantly higher, but theorize that LGBT individuals may be less likely to report crimes that are committed against them in fear of being further discriminated upon and re-victimized. Discrimination in our community is not always manifested in hate crimes; everyday lesbians and gays are subjected to unfair treatment, be it at their place of employment, school, and in the availability of equal opportunities such as marriage.
As lesbian women, the members of Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc. volunteer in various areas that attempt to alleviate discrimination against the LGBT community as well as working to attain equal rights & protection for all people who are part of the community. Members may volunteer or serve as political activists with groups such as the Human Rights Campaign or Equality Florida.

Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc. also pays memorial to the life and death of Sakia Gunn. Sakia, a 15 year old feminine dominant lesbian, was brutally murdered after she and friends turned down the advances of Richard McCullough. Yearly we host an event in various cities nationwide on (or around) May 11th to not only pay tribute to the life lost, but to encourage dialogue in regards to discrimination and hate crimes against LGBT individuals.
For more information on any of these topics, please feel free to visit the links below.