Welcome Royal Fourmation

When pursuing membership in Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Incorporated one must possess a DYNAMISTIC personality with a SERAPHIC presence when she walks in a room. Her heart must be ALTRUISTIC so that when the light shines upon her, the unmistakable PRISMATIC glow flows throughout the land.
The Enchanting Ladies of Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Incorporated are elated to present to some and introduce to others the newest additions to our sisterhood!
Royal Fourmation ~ Spring 2016
Arianna King- Dynamistic- Kalamazoo, Michigan
Melody Canada-Seraphic- Dallas, Texas
Nykima DeLoach- Altruistic- Dallas, Texas
Mye’l Lassiter-Prismatic – Chicago, Illinois
Welcome to Lady Omicron’s embrace Sorors! We love you!